Website Biel/Bienne Festival of Photography

Since its creation in 1997, the Biel/Bienne Festival of Photography has continued to make an impact on the Swiss and international photographic scene, with its commitment and programming renewed each year in the bilingual city.

With their upcoming 25th anniversary, the Festival asked us to create a new web presence. Together with Roger Burkhard we created a site that incorporates both the current edition, as well as the rich history of the festival.


The site consists of two parts. The first part is dedicated to the annual edition and helps the visitor to navigate through the rich edition program with its various events and exhibition venues. The photographs define the core and are displayed generously and without cropping in the original format. The entire content is interlinked on several levels and can be accessed through various navigation threads. An integrated event-calendar and a tailor-made Google Maps integration make it easy to see what is going on where during the festival and ensures a great user experience on desktop and mobile.

The second part of the website consists of an extensive archive where the visitor can browse through past issues. Through an integrated filter system, the content can be discovered intuitively: for example, by artist, origin, exhibition venue or edition. It functions as a potential research platform where 25 years of festival history, but also the history of photography in Switzerland in general, can be discovered.

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